Tuesday, November 17, 2009

America History of 1810 - 1819

  • Third national census records 7,239,881 people
  • John Jacob Astor founds the Pacific Fur Company. In 1811, this company establishes a trading post at Astoria at the mouth of the Oregon River.  Astor loses this post during the War of 1812. 

  • 7 November. Battle of Tippecanoe at which William Henry Harrison and his troops engage Shawnee and Creek forces led by The Prophet.  Tecumseh has earlier sought allies among the Creek Indian tribes. 

America History of 1805 - 1809


  • May. Members of the Lewis and Clark expedition see the Rocky Mountains; in November, they see the Pacific Ocean.
  • Lt. Zebulon Pike explores the Louisiana Territory.
  • Painter Charles Willson Peale establishes the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, where this trompe l'oeil picture by Peale, The Staircase Group (1795), is still exhibited.

  • Noah Webster issues his Compendious Dictionary of the English Language 
  • Lewis and Clark expedition winters at Fort Clatsop in Oregon and ends its journey by returning to St. Louis in September. 
  • The Cumberland Road is built to facilitate western settlement.


  • Embargo Act bans all trade with foreign countries and forbids American ships to set sail for foreign ports.  This act has a lasting negative effect on New England seaports.
  • The Clermont, first reliable steamboat, travels from New York City to Albany, N.Y.
  • The Chesapeake-Leopard incident in which three Americans are seized or "impressed" as seamen from the American ship Chesapeake stirs anti-British feeling.

  • The Osage, a Sioux tribe, sign the Osage Treaty ceding their lands in what is now Missouri and Arkansas to the U. S. 
  • Thomas Jefferson refuses to run for a third term as president, naming James Madison as his successor.

  • Shawnee leader Tecumseh begins to establish a defensive confederacy to resist the westward movement of white settlers. 
  • New England governors refuse to supply militia to enforce the Embargo Acts (of 1807 and 1808) 
  • Phoenix completes the first sea voyage by a steamboat by traveling around the shores of New Jersey.

America History of 1857 - 1859

  • 6 March. Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court. After being brought to free territory by his owner, Scott sued for his freedom, but the court ruled that he had never ceased to be a slave, denied that he was a citizen, and denied him the right to sue.

America History of 1856

America History of 1852 - 1855

  • Democrat Franklin Pierce, a friend of Hawthorne's, defeats General Winfield Scott for the presidency and affirms his support for the Compromise of 1850. 
  • "Know-Nothing" Party opposes Catholics and immigrants.

America History of 1851

  • 15 February. Shadrach Minkins,an African American working as a waiter,  is seized by slavecatchers in Boston; Richard Henry Dana, Jr., tries to free him by legal means, but first Shadrach is rescued by a group of African Americans. 

America History of 1850

The history 1850s have a critical situation for united state of america that need to be learned by youth generations knowing well american's history not just about political history but also economic history , america immigration history and inventions history.